16. What other possessions would you like to acquire? Rick would like tools for his wood lathe. Pattie would like a new carpet for the house. 17. What do you perceive as the signs of success? A happy home. 18. What decorative or heirloom objects do you own? Decorative items include photographs, collections of butterflies and bells. Also furniture, guns, deer heads. 19. Do you value new things or old things more? Why? We value old things more because they have history, meaning and sentiment behind them. Rick wishes he grew up in the old days. 20. What types of sacred objects are around the house? Bible. 21. Describe the kinds of clothing each family member owns. Casual as well as church clothes. 22. Alcohol, tobacco, and firearms: Are they available and what family members use them? Rick owns guns. Family Food & Shelter 23. A typical breakfast consists of: Cereal, pancakes, or oatmeal. 24. A typical lunch consists of: Peanut butter and jelly sandwich, chips, fruit, cookies, juice. 25. A typical dinner consists of: Meat (beef, pork, venison, or chicken), vegetables, potato or rice, homemade rolls. 26. Are you satisfied with your food? Yes.